Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Communications Fast

There are many benefits to a computer/cell phone/facebook fast.  You really have no idea the influence these new "tools" have on you until you step away from them.  Indeed communications have deeply intensified - however, I question for what benefit?  Relationships have been cheapened and stress levels have gone up.  There is seemingly an expectation of being available all the time.  Moreover, we will not know how all this exposure will affect our health long term until it's too late.  Balance is a challenge - but one that I am committed to pursue.  What are your thoughts?

Missed you!

Hello blog world!  How I have missed you!  Sorry that the updates have been absent of late - we were undergoing some changes....but I'm back now and hopeful to be regularily blogging and sharing again.

More later today :-)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine's Day is coming!

Prepare the way!  I have always encouraged and promoted loving on our husbands big all year - but especially at this time of year!  Do something wild and crazy.  Perhaps dedicate the whole month to loving on him.  There are many resources available to help you do that.  Here's one:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reviewing Sermon notes...January 16

In your faith walk - are you "in" or "out"?
There's no neutral ground.
Briefly, we have:
1. Freedom to believe with God all things are possible.
2. Freedom to walk in the Word.
3. Freedom to know the truth.
4. Freedom to choose not to sin.
5. Freedom to be a child of God.

Here's the thing:  The way I see it, all this freedom comes with obedience and action.  Look at the verbs in each statement:  believe, walk, know, choose, be.  I'm pondering THOSE words today. I can hardly wait to put this freedom into action!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Teaching thought - Whiteboards - Large and Small

I love our white boards (all sizes).  We use them every day.  Here Daniel drew a "Meet the Robinsons" pumpkin style Mommy and had his own story to tell.  Check out those eye lashes ~lol~  It's a great busy time activity for small hands while teaching older ones too.

Monday, January 24, 2011

In the Kitchen - Broccoli Salad

To about 5 cups broccoli florets add:
1/2 cup red onion
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
bacon slices, fried and diced

Dress with a mixture of:
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar
6 tablespoons mayonnaise

Toss together and enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I love dressing up - doesn't mean you have too - just thought I'd share.  I love the feel of silk hose, of a slightly heeled shoe (I'm tall - so I stay away from the really high heels), of approporiate adornments, a dash of perfume.  I don't know.  It's fun!  I guess it's the Julia Child in me ~lol~ 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Busyness vs Fruitfulness

Ouch!  This one gets me every time.  I see fruitfulness as pursuing meaningful accomplishments.  Definately, different from the quality of my life when I am just too busy.  I have said time and again, that it is His strength that enables me to pursue all that I do.  This has become a great reference point for me.  If I feel frustrated and do not feel free, chances are I am pursuing something I am NOT called to do.  Not that everything comes easy - however, when we walk pursuing/producing fruit - I should see: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and/or self control abound in some form.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Schoolroom Focus - Productivity

Here's another area that just needs a dose of fresh insight now and again.  I know I need to purpose to keep our lessons: inviting, interesting, hands on and active to keep everyone on task.  Sometimes, it is a heart or character issue - other times, it's just discipline (ha!  I'm laughing at thinking "just").  It is helpful to plan to re-evaluate your progress through your subjects.  Now's a great time - reports are almost due :-)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sow seeds that meet needs

May I suggest that you do this in your home too?  Remember, His love can flow through an obedient, willing life.  Be a blessing to your husband, your family and your circle of influence.  I am always looking for ways I can sprinkle a little love and joy in the hearts of those around me.  Sometimes, that's as simple as meeting a need - even the ones we wish to avoid.  The thing is, upon doing it, there is such satisfaction and grace.  It doesn't take long to instill this as a habit.

Friday, January 14, 2011


There's a word that we sure don't hear nor see in practice much these days.  So many generations of woman, pursuing independence lost an integral part of who (Whose) they are.

It's about more than dresses too.  It's about behaviour, countenance, carriage and so much more.  I don't mean to cause dissension.  Turn to your husband, if you have one, and ask for his take on this.  After all, you are his helpmate and his delight.  Search the scripture, see what God places on your heart.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday's Thoughtful Reflection

A life exploding with meaning is one anchored in love.

Love with your thoughts.  Choose them carefully.  They will spill out in your countenance.
Love with your words.  Pleasant, edifying words build up.
Love with your possessions.  No act of kindness is too small and remember, it's all God's anyway ;-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We have had lots of opportunities to pursue learning the delicate art of origami (paper folding) over our years of homeschooling.  However, this year we came across a delightful origami calendar that has made it possible to learn some new techniques and practice a project a day.  We've been having so much fun with it!  Here's a picture, putting the finishing touches on an origami dog.  Fun!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How does a Mom build her house?

A wise woman builds her home,
but a foolish woman tears it down with her hands.
Proverbs 14:1

I want a home that exudes warmth, a sacred resting place.  A place where our family can be renewed, their character molded and hospitality extended.  So, I have found myself asking myself, what can I do to encourage holiness in my home?  Jesus at the centre, makes everything clear. 

I originally made a long list here, I just deleted.  Please, take the time to jot down a few of your ideas for your home.  Dream.  Plan.  Pursue.
You are not alone :-)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Claiming or Praying a Promise from God

I was reminded of a wonderful four step method recently, I thought I'd share it on this Lord's Day.

1.  UNDERSTAND - in four or five words sum up the context of the passage
2.  ASK critical questions - is this promise conditional? or limited?
3.  CLAIM - exercise your faith - we talked about this earlier this week ;-)  Be confident. (yup! that too)
4.  ACT - you have to give it legs.  Yes, we have a responsibility to move too!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Feast or famine?

Where are you at with your daily quiet time?  With all the resources at hand - getting a Bible - new or second hand - or free online - really, there is no excuse but complacency or choice.

Let's purpose to feast on His Word every day.  How else can we begin to know what to do?  Pursue Him with a reckless abandon.  I have found this to be a wonderful adventure!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Faith Dare

I dare you to lean your entire personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom and goodness.  Let's see what fruit is produced when we both recommit to doing this.

Faith operates in a realm that is far beyond human reasoning.  However, choosing to trust Him regardless of our circumstances and stepping out and obeying His Word is to be our response. 

Are you doing it alongside me yet?  Are you hoping for something that you might not yet see, cannot hear, touch or feel within you?  Step out, step up.  Good things await!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hoping for more

Do you dream big?
Ahem, have you dreamed at all lately?
I must admit, I've fallen into the trap of not daring to dream.  Sometimes, I think it's because I do not want the responsibility of following through and yet, God nudges me on...
"I serve a God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all I could ever hope, ask, think."  Ephesians 3:20

So, join me - don't run away - run toward!  Embrace!  My mind is always teeming with possibilities.
As you open your mind to all that can be, opportunities are created.  Create a plan to pursue and celebrate your progress!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Save your energy!

How do you respond to stress? 
"O satisfy me with your mercy and loving kindness in the morning...that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."  Psalm 90:14
Every moment of every day is a gift!  Slow down and enjoy it!  I must purpose to save my energy for living, not worry.  After all,

"You will guard me and keep me in constant peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because I commit myself to you, lean on you and hope confidently in you."  Isaiah 26:3
God will: Guard me and keep me in constant peace
When I: put my mind on Him: committed, leaning and with hope drenched in confidence.

God's promises always require a commitment of obedience from us.  But look at what is required here- a mind focused on Him - leaning (a.k.a. desperate, prayerful) and hopeful (anticipating the result) moreover, confidently.  YES!  YES! and YES!   I believe!

Is something wearing you down today?  It's time to redirect your attention then.  Want protection?  Want peace?  It is all there for the embracing.  Come to the water.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fresh View

A new year affords the opportunity for a fresh view (as does, each new day and/or a very special certain prayer to our Heavenly Father).

Know that God wants to do something new in you right now!  I am always challenging myself to live on a whole new level.  Real rewards lie as results from within my choices.  Oh, how I fight my flesh on this one.  However, when I lay my head down that last time, I pray that I will be seen as an individual who chose to have a spirit of excellence, a heart of worship and a life full of prayer.

I am so thankful for the opportunities for change that await in each and every moment.  Mercy is beautiful.  Miracles can be made out of messes.  Grace IS amazing!

This year, rather than the usual onslaught of  resolution review - I chose a word.  A word that I hope will be exhibited in many ways throughout this year.  A word that I wish to be my focus as a way to live.  It's going to be a challenge.  I imagine, I'll get distracted at times.  However, I will return to it again - because - I can. 

I am free!